Building owners and industry warned to "be prepared", as forecasters predict cold winter

Carrier Rental Systems, the leading temporary heating and cooling specialist, is urging industry and building managers to be prepared following predictions of an unusually cold winter.
Forecasters believe that a combination of reduced solar activity, limited arctic sea-ice and a weak El Niño will result in bitterly cold conditions, catching industry and the public by surprise following a balmy end to the extended summer.
In anticipation, and as part of its strategic growth plan, CRS has expanded its fleet of temporary heating plant, to ensure it is ready to meet expected high demand for emergency heating. It has doubled capacity at its Thorpe headquarters, and invested in a new fleet of high efficiency boilers, integrated heating packages, fan-powered systems and radiant heaters.
Marc White, CRS director, says: “Leading forecasters, including the Met Office and Exacta, say that all the key models point to an untypically cold winter this year. It would hit particularly hard, given the Indian Summer, which inevitably lulls people into a false sense of security.”
He added: “Plant issues often come to light even with a gentle transition from Autumn to Winter. However, when intensely cold conditions arrive on the heels of an extended warm period, systems can go from standby to maximum capacity literally overnight, resulting in breakdowns and service outages that often prove costly and damaging for companies.”
Given the potential threat to productivity for manufacturers and the impact on the usability of buildings, he said it was an issue that companies and facilities managers need to take seriously and plan ahead for.
Temporary heating provided a way for companies to insure themselves against potentially damaging equipment outages, and also a means of topping up capacity when existing plant becomes maxed-out during prolonged cold conditions.
“From experience, we know that once cold weather arrives and is forecast to set in, our fleet gets committed very rapidly. Those who delay, in the hope that things will improve, may be left without the support they need when conditions remain cold for long periods.”
“We have invested in a significant expansion of our heating fleet. However, it is still finite and the only way to secure a safety net is to reserve the back-up required. It is a prudent and rational investment, and gives reassurance that eventualities are catered for.”